Science Dimensions Follow-Up Course Topics, K-12

*Additional options may be available
Target Audience(s)
Additional Info
Topics are 90 minutes in length, but can be condensed to 60 minutes or extended to 2 hours.
Make Science Accessible for all Learners
To ensure equity for an increasingly diverse student population, participants will explore the powerful teaching support and differentiation options in HMH Science Dimensions to help all students engage with and understand the science content.
Use Data to Monitor Progress and Inform Science Instruction
To accelerate student growth, participants will use student progress data to inform their science instruction.
Leverage Assessment Data to Accelerate Student Growth
Analyzing data from formal and informal assessments provides the knowledge teachers need to further student growth. Participants explore best practices in assessment, investigate the assessment opportunities within HMH Science Dimensions, and engage in collaborative conversations about what the data reveals about student progress and instructional adjustments.
Maximize Learning with Digital Resources
Participants will identify and integrate HMH Science Dimensions digital resources to enhance learning.
Plan Effective Science Learning Experiences
Participants will learn to plan effective, student-centered learning experiences that increase learner engagement throughout exploration and instruction.
Support English Learners in HMH Science Dimensions
Participants will learn strategies to promote the use and development of science language for all learners, especially English Learners.
Integrate Meaningful STEM Experiences
Participants will evaluate and refine current STEM experiences in their classroom with the help of embedded HMH Science Dimensions resources.
Format: Full-day, Webinar, Grades K-6
Follow-Up In Person 9780358265290
Follow-Up Online (One, 2 hour webinar) 9780358265306
Follow-Up Online Bundle (4, 1 hour webinars) 9780358265443
Format: Full-day, Webinar, Grades 6-8
Follow-Up In Person 9780358265320
Follow-Up Online (One, 2 hour webinar) 9780358265337
Follow-Up Online Bundle (4, 1 hour webinars) 9780358265450
Format: Full-day, Webinar, Grades 9-12
Follow-Up In Person 9780358265351
Follow-Up Online (One, 2 hour webinar) 9780358265368
Follow-Up Online Bundle (4, 1 hour webinars) 9780358265467