#MathCoachChat Recap: Using Questions to Engage, Enlighten, & Empower

by Math Solutions Professional Learning Team, September 29th, 2017

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In Part 2 of our 3 part #MathCoachChat live Twitter series, we discussed how we use purposeful questions to engage, empower, and enlighten.


We had a lively discussion with wonderful input from educators. Moderators Genni Steele, Mary Mitchell, and Sue Chapman shared wisdom from our last chat on purposeful questioning and categorizing obstacles to learning (both for the educator in the coaching partnership and for the student learner). The chat began with an exercise in categorizing obstacles participants contributed during our last chat.

MathCoachChat: Obstacles in Coaching

Participants were then challenged to think about how they approach being nudged into unfamiliar territory, and to think about how they can apply their experiences to the coaching relationship. Above all, skillful communication in coaching is key, and our hosts outlined strategies for using questioning to question the status quo and challenge teachers.

Skillful communication in coaching

Here are a few of our favorite insights and highlights from the chat:



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