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Math in Focus Follow-Up Course Topics

In the first and second year of implementation, our Follow-Up topics provide additional guidance to deepen mastery, hone teaching skills and build confidence when teaching Math in Focus. Topics are offered as full-day courses, or choose to focus on multiple topics and choose the amount of time you’d like to devote to each.


Available Grade Ranges*

K–5 6–8

*Additional options may be available

Additional Info

Topics are 90 minutes in length, but can be condensed to 60 minutes or extended to 2 hours.

Plan Effectively for Math Learning Experiences

The comprehensive suite of teaching materials and resources within Math in Focus is designed to provide rich, sequenced learning experiences to students; however, planning is still a critical step in the instructional process. In this session, participants prepare for a section of learning by revisiting the learning objectives and instructional sequence, exploring the hands-on activities, and making decisions on which resources most effectively serve the needs of their learners.

Maximize Learning with Digital Resources

The resources available within Ed: Your Friend in Learning enhance both student and teacher interactions with Math in Focus. During this session, participants explore the purpose and function of online resources and spend time determining how they can effectively utilize these resources to engage students and guide instructional decisions.

Leverage Assessment Data to Accelerate Student Growth

Analyzing data from formal and informal assessments provides the knowledge teachers need to further student growth. Participants explore best practices in assessment, investigate the assessment opportunities within Math in Focus, and engage in collaborative conversations about what the data reveals about student progress and instructional adjustments.

Engage and Empower Diverse Learners in Math

All students deserve the opportunity to engage in meaningful and relevant experiences that build positive attitudes toward learning mathematics. During this session, participants explore powerful tools and strategies throughout Math in Focus that support diverse learners in conceptualizing, critically thinking about, and persevering in mathematics.

Move Students from Understanding to Mastery using the Singapore Math® Approach

Math in Focus is built on an instructional framework developed by the Singapore Ministry of Education that draws on years of leading international research on effective teaching and learning of mathematics. To deepen understanding and build confidence in facilitating learning experiences using the Singapore Math® approach, participants engage in hands-on activities that simulate what students encounter in the classroom.

Stimulate Student Thinking through Problem Solving and Discourse

Mathematical problem-solving and discourse are central to mathematics learning. During this session, participants will investigate what it means to teach for, about, and through problem-solving. As they learn more about the problem-solving approach in Math in Focus, participants uncover the significant role of discourse in mathematical thinking and sense-making and how to utilize program features to encourage student voice.


Format: Full Day, Webinar, Grades K-5

Follow-Up In Person – Full-day        9780358171614

Follow-Up Online                                 9780358171621

Follow-Up Online Bundle*                 9780358174141

*4, 1-hour webinars


Format: Full Day, Webinar, Grades 6-8

Follow-Up In Person                           9780358171744

Follow-Up Online                                9780358171751

Follow-Up Online Bundle*                9780358192275

*4, 1-hour webinars

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