Fractions Fun Book Giveaway

by Math Solutions Professional Learning Team, February 01st, 2018

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Fractions are a critical foundation in mathematics, and at Math Solutions, we are dedicated to providing teachers with the tools they need to promote fraction sense in their classrooms. That’s why we’re taking the opportunity to celebrate Fractions February!

We hope you can join in our fractions celebration! Please share your own favorite fractions resources with us on social media using the #FractionsFun hashtag.

All month long we will be giving away our award-winning fractions resources, including Number Talks: Fractions, Decimals, and PercentagesBeyond Pizzas & Pies, and Beyond Invert & Multiply. To enter to win a prize pack with all these resources, enter our raffle below.

Fractions Fun Prize Pack

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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