People Over Production: A Special Method to the Mathness Chat with Dr. Tyrone Howard

by Math Solutions Professional Learning Team, March 31st, 2020

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In this special episode of Method to the Mathness, hosts Nikki LaLonde and Jennifer Lenhardt discuss the COVID-19 pandemic and its effects on our communities and our students with ICLE Senior Fellow Dr. Tyrone Howard.

Dr. Howard shares his perspective on the connective role that teachers and schools play within communities, particularly amidst the new and changing realities created by the COVID-19 pandemic. He talks about our current challenges, shines a light on the disproportionate impact of school closures to vulnerable members of our communities, and offers practical ways to think globally and act locally.

Join us for an honest, encouraging, real conversation, and let us know in the comments your own advice for how we can respond as educators to this crisis.

“There are so many ways that you can tap into mathematical reasoning around social problems in ways that are going to be culturally responsive and socially meaningful for students.”
“We have to figure out how we connect that home learning, that community learning, that culturally-responsive learning to what we do in our classrooms.”


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