January #MathTalkChat Recap: Fractions, Decimals, & Percentages
January 26th, 2017Thank you for taking part in our first #MathTalkChat of the new year and discussing fractions in the the classroom! In case you missed out, here’s a quick recap with a few select tweets. To see the full chat transcript, check out our Storify. Please join us next month, in February, the last Wednesday of the month, 2/22, for another #MathTalkChat about fractions, and for a chance to win some great prizes.
In the meantime, check out the #FractionsFebruary hashtag during the month of February for more free #fractions resources, blogposts, and giveaways!
Q1: What are some common student misconceptions about fractions you see in your classrooms? #MathTalkChat pic.twitter.com/rpFAvMzyXq
— Math Solutions (@Math_Solutions) January 26, 2017
@Math_Solutions Students do NOT consider the size of the whole. #mathtalkchat
— TJ Jemison (@teedjvt) January 26, 2017
A1: When adding fractions, you can just add the numerators and the denominators. #mathtalkchat
— Ann Elise Record (@AnnEliseRecord) January 26, 2017
A1: fractions aren’t equal parts; all fractions are part of a whole (rather than also part of a set) #mathtalkchat
— Lisa (@LisaCorbett0261) January 26, 2017
Q1: in addition to those already listed, I’ve seen lots of kids that initially think fractions are only btwn 0 & 1 #MathTalkChat
— Jenna Laib (@jennalaib) January 26, 2017
A1: That fractions aren’t numbers. #mathtalkchat
— Ann Elise Record (@AnnEliseRecord) January 26, 2017
A1. Students think numerators and denominators are separate numbers with no connection, instead of seeing parts of a whole #MathTalkChat
— Jessica Childers (@JDouttChilders) January 26, 2017
A1: Common misconception is that fractions are only about some whole, often don’t think of other contexts (e.g., set). #mathtalkchat
— Maria Riverso (@RiversoMaria) January 26, 2017
A1-They don’t think about the whole. Are they the same size whole in comparison #MathTalkChat
— Alexa Fulmer (@MathRocks73) January 26, 2017
Q2: If you ask Ss who are just beginning to learn #fractions to list numbers between 0 & 1, what answers might you hear? #MathTalkChat pic.twitter.com/1A96g5f9NV
— Math Solutions (@Math_Solutions) January 26, 2017
A2: some unit fractions, e.g. 1/2, 1/3, 1/4… #MathTalkChat
— Jenna Laib (@jennalaib) January 26, 2017
A2-my 4th gr like to put 1/2 by 0 if they have to put multiple unit fractions on a number but place correctly if only 1/2 #MathTalkChat
@Math_Solutions A2: There are numbers between 0-1? What!
— Tara Behymer (@r3mathcoach) January 26, 2017
— Alexa Fulmer (@MathRocks73) January 26, 2017
Q3 is a 3-parter related to this question for Ss: “Which fraction is greater, 5/6 or 7/8?” #MathTalkChat pic.twitter.com/oDeOKzaor6
— Math Solutions (@Math_Solutions) January 26, 2017
A3a: 5/6 is 1/6th from 1, 7/8 is 1/8th from 1…1/8 is a smaller distance so closer to whole so 7/8 must be bigger. #mathtalkchat
— Ann Elise Record (@AnnEliseRecord) January 26, 2017
Q3A hoping they use 1 as a benchmark and know that 7/8 is 1/8 away from 1 and 5/6 is 1/6 away. #mathtalkchat
— Lu Ann Weynand (@lweynand) January 26, 2017
A3a. Students could use fraction bars or circles, or make equivalent fractions with common denominators #MathTalkChat
— Jessica Childers (@JDouttChilders) January 26, 2017
A3a I would hope they would draw a picture or use fraction tiles. #MathTalkChat
— Michelle O. (@tech_teacher145) January 26, 2017
Q3c: ask students to explain their reasoning orally and in writing. #mathtalkchat
— Lu Ann Weynand (@lweynand) January 26, 2017
A3a: Compare to/Distance from 1, common denom #MathTalkChat
— Jenna Laib (@jennalaib) January 26, 2017
So interesting in the video that students were not troubled by putting 0 or 1 in two different locations on the number line! #mathtalkchat
— Lu Ann Weynand (@lweynand) January 26, 2017
@Math_Solutions Q3: since they are both one away compare 1/6 and 1/8 to see how much more you need to make 1 whole. #mathtalkchat
— Tara Behymer (@r3mathcoach) January 26, 2017
A3a: Use 1 as a benchmark. 7/8 is only 1/8 away from 1 while 5/6 is 1/6 away from 1 #mathtalkchat
— Hannah Meyer (@hannahnoelle_12) January 26, 2017
A3-Folding a strip of paper in half, then fourths marking ends 0 and 1. Discuss the parts and how to name #MathTalkChat
— Alexa Fulmer (@MathRocks73) January 26, 2017
A3c: Modelling would help to reveal reasoning; e.g., number line, fraction strips #mathtalkchat
— Maria Riverso (@RiversoMaria) January 26, 2017
@Math_Solutions ABSOLUTELY getting 1/4 for A and 1/3 for B. Only look at the number of parts and forget the EQUAL part #mathtalkchat
— TJ Jemison (@teedjvt) January 26, 2017
Q4: What strategies help Ss understand part–whole relations as a proportional relationship, not merely a counting exercise? #MathTalkChat pic.twitter.com/1sNRveO5W2
— Math Solutions (@Math_Solutions) January 26, 2017
A4: I’d save this question for late, after Ss have had a fair bit of experience with fractions in many contexts #MathTalkChat
— Lisa (@LisaCorbett0261) January 26, 2017
A4: I heard some 3rd graders give “1/3” as an answer for Graph a… or some just said “1”… part-whole is key #MathTalkChat
— Christina Sherman (@chrissybug24) January 26, 2017
Q5: Using this visual representation, what are some Q’s you could ask Ss to help them reason about #fractions as numbers? #MathTalkChat pic.twitter.com/KnhfQmjM9e
— Math Solutions (@Math_Solutions) January 26, 2017
Q5 I always start with What’s equivalent to 1/2? #mathtalkchat
— Vada Gray (@lamacgirl) January 26, 2017
A5: I think it’s cool to show how “1” can be written as a fraction. Shows that fractions are “real numbers”! #mathtalkchat
— Hannah Meyer (@hannahnoelle_12) January 26, 2017
A5 What do you notice about the fractions equivlient to 1/2? #MathTalkChat
— Michelle O. (@tech_teacher145) January 26, 2017
Q6: Why were these problems selected for this #numbertalk string? What strategies or mathematical ideas will they reveal? #MathTalkChat pic.twitter.com/cTEk5ZAJE8
— Math Solutions (@Math_Solutions) January 26, 2017
@Math_Solutions Creating their own models builds understanding. #MathTalkChat
— Susan Chapman (@slcbte) January 26, 2017
A6 the strings are dependent on the relationships – lots of halving and doubling! 🙂 #mathtalkchat
— Gina Kilday (@MathLadyRI) January 26, 2017
Q6 @Math_Solutions The first set starts with concept of 1/2 and 10s. The other sets build off those concepts #mathtalkchat
— Vada Gray (@lamacgirl) January 26, 2017
Q7: Have you heard any noteworthy comments from a S about a recent fraction talk or activity? If so, please share w/ us! #MathTalkChat pic.twitter.com/imqUH6aY4X
— Math Solutions (@Math_Solutions) January 26, 2017
A.7 “I finally get it!” #MathTalkChat
— Jenn Skelding (@jenn_skelding) January 26, 2017
Q7-S said 3/4+3/4=6/8. But then modeled and said oh no, change to 6/4. S said you don’t add the denominator. #MathTalkChat
— Alexa Fulmer (@MathRocks73) January 26, 2017
A7. Ss are starting to see the difference between regular & improper fractions and understanding which is more/less than one #MathTalkChat
— Jessica Childers (@JDouttChilders) January 26, 2017
#mathtalkchat 7th graders arguing reasonable placement of fractions on clothesline. I couldn’t have said it any better @mr_stadel pic.twitter.com/RZLePlk7d6
— Margie Pearse (@pearse_margie) January 26, 2017
A7: when given the opportunity to explore Ss came up with this… #MathTalkChat pic.twitter.com/j5HGmLZwgL
— Christina Sherman (@chrissybug24) January 26, 2017