Number Talks Chat Recap: Fractions, Decimals, and Percentages 3/29
March 30th, 2017Thank you to those who joined us yesterday for our live #NumberTalksChat on Twitter! In case you missed out or would like some interesting ideas for your classroom, check out some of our favorite tweets and ideas below.
We look forward to seeing you at our next #NumberTalksChat April 26th.
For those who aren’t familiar w/ #numbertalks, here is a definition from @numbertalks book: #NumberTalksChat
— Math Solutions (@Math_Solutions) March 30, 2017
#numbertalkschat many teachers I work with agree this is the best part of the day!
— kathykallmyer (@kathy25) March 30, 2017
Most of my most magical math moments have happened during number talks! #numbertalkschat
— Ann Elise Record (@AnnEliseRecord) March 30, 2017
I’ve found that once teachers see the benefit, they are committed to implementing NTs. #NumberTalkChat
— Sherry Parrish (@numbertalks) March 30, 2017
Time for a warm-up Q! How could you solve this problem? How did you see it? #NumberTalksChat
— Math Solutions (@Math_Solutions) March 30, 2017
I knew that 4/8 is 1/2, so I took it way from the 5/8 to combine with the 1/2 to make 1. So, 1 1/8 . #numbertalkschat
— Ann Elise Record (@AnnEliseRecord) March 30, 2017
#NumberTalksChat A0 I saw 4 dots from 1st set and 5 from 2nd set, so 9/8
— Jennifer Hinrichs (@MrshinrichsT) March 30, 2017
Q0: using the model, i though 4 dots (1/2) plus 5 dots makes 9 dots. 8 fills up a set, so 8 1/8 #NumberTalksChat
— Jamie Strang (@Elementarist) March 30, 2017
I see 1 + 1/8#NumberTalksChat @Math_Solutions
— Genni Steele (@gennisteele) March 30, 2017
Q1: How do you help students see that mistakes are an important part of learning in your classroom? #NumberTalksChat
— Math Solutions (@Math_Solutions) March 30, 2017
A1: I love @joboaler ‘s work, so I make sure to teach my Ss how their brain works. Mistakes are when our brain grows. #numbertalkschat
— Ann Elise Record (@AnnEliseRecord) March 30, 2017
#NumberTalksChat it really frees the students to think about numbers and make their own decisions
— Naomi Isaac-Simpson (@nisaacsimpson) March 30, 2017
A1: creating a safe classroom atmosphere that values multiple strategies and encourages risk taking #NumberTalksChat
— Kelly Wegener (@WegenerKelly) March 30, 2017
A1: Students have experienced me making mistakes and I help my Ss realize that mistakes are learning opportunities. #NumberTalksChat
— Chris Quinn (@ChrisQuinn64) March 30, 2017
#NumberTalksChat A1 take time to create a learning community. Cocreate”rules”. I model my thinking. Including mistakes!
— Jennifer Hinrichs (@MrshinrichsT) March 30, 2017
Involving the whole class/group in the conversation & asking for help from everyone in finding mistakes so we can all learn #numbertalkschat
— Ann Dominick (@Dominick_Math) March 30, 2017
Q2: What ideas do you have for when the sharing of student strategies in a #numbertalk doesn’t go as anticipated? #NumberTalksChat
— Math Solutions (@Math_Solutions) March 30, 2017
A2: sometimes you roll w/ it “that’s interesting tell me more”…sometimes you table it for later #NumberTalksChat reflect on what happened
— Jamie Strang (@Elementarist) March 30, 2017
#NumberTalksChat A2: Unpackng w/ Ss what growth mindset is. Need 2 model it daily & capitalize on mistakes. Investng time in buildng culture
— Maria Riverso (@RiversoMaria) March 30, 2017
A2 I listen 1st. Then try to clarify their thinking sometimes in a clearer way. Then ask if that is what they were saying. #NumberTalksChat
— Kenny Hall (@Kennygarten) March 30, 2017
A2: Asking Ss to Turn and Talk about what do you understand and what questions do you have #NumberTalksChat
— Sherry Parrish (@numbertalks) March 30, 2017
A2: Go with it! Often, Ss take the conversation to a better place than I anticipated! #NumberTalksChat
— Jenna Stilwell (@Stilwells_Class) March 30, 2017
We discuss daily that without mistakes we do not learn. We learn from each Other’s mistakes and help our classmates. #NumberTalksChat
— Tammy Krutzfeldt (@TKrutzfeldt) March 30, 2017
A2:There is something mathematically valuable in all students work and sharing. NTs are better when the unexpected occurs. #numbertalkschat
— Devin Anderson (@devin_andersond) March 30, 2017
Q3: How do you help students make connections between computing with whole numbers and computing with fractions? #NumberTalksChat
— Math Solutions (@Math_Solutions) March 30, 2017
A3: start with skip counting with fractions…. 1/3,2/3,3/3 #NumberTalksChat
— ElementaryMathTeach (@Kidsmathtalk) March 30, 2017
Number lines (floor-size that we can walk), fraction strips, Quisanaire rods are all helpful tools. #NumberTalksChat
— Chris Quinn (@ChrisQuinn64) March 30, 2017
A3: Asking Ss, “Will this strategy for multiplying whole #s also work when multiplying fractions?” #NumberTalksChat
— Sherry Parrish (@numbertalks) March 30, 2017
Q3 Connect strategies like decomposing to fractions. Equivalence is a key. @Math_Solutions #numbertalkschat
— Lisa Bush (@lBush11) March 30, 2017
#NumberTalksChat A3: Try a strategy w/ whole numbers. Then predict whether the same would apply w/ fractions. Conjecture. Test.
— Maria Riverso (@RiversoMaria) March 30, 2017
Q4: Are there any shortcuts Ss might use in this problem that might mask bigger ideas of place value and equivalence? #NumberTalksChat
— Math Solutions (@Math_Solutions) March 30, 2017
In as thinking 500-64 would help me. I think if Ss just try to line it up and subtract might mean not full PV understanding #NumberTalksChat
— Kenny Hall (@Kennygarten) March 30, 2017
A4: Changing 0.5 to 0.500 #NumberTalksChat
— MAdams (@MelroseCurricul) March 30, 2017
A4:Many Ss would “add” zeroes to the .5 then use the std alg; would love to see adding up, decomposing .5 to .499 + .001 #NumberTalksChat
— Sherry Parrish (@numbertalks) March 30, 2017
S adds two 0’s to 0.5….0.500 to more easily compare to 0.064..but some would say 64 is bigger than 5. #NumberTalksChat
— Chris Quinn (@ChrisQuinn64) March 30, 2017
#NumberTalksChat A4
Add 0.036 to both numbers to make a friendlier subtrahend
Making 0.536 – 0.1 = 0.436— Margie Pearse (@pearse_margie) March 30, 2017
Q5: How might “rules” for dividing decimals interfere with students’ fractional understanding? #NumberTalksChat
— Math Solutions (@Math_Solutions) March 30, 2017
A5: It’s easy for Ss lose meaning and reasonableness of answers when blindly following rules/procedures #NumberTalksChat
— Sherry Parrish (@numbertalks) March 30, 2017
#NumberTalksChat A5
Some Ss might be more concerned about “moving decimal places” and not about whether what they are doing makes sense— Margie Pearse (@pearse_margie) March 30, 2017
If Ss are only following “rules” it’s hard to predict what a reasonable answer would be #NumberTalksChat
— Ann Dominick (@Dominick_Math) March 30, 2017
A5: I find that building a stronger sense of numbers helps students make better sense of “rules”. #NumberTalksChat
— Chris Quinn (@ChrisQuinn64) March 30, 2017
Q6: What do you listen for to know if a student is using the standard algorithm for dividing decimals with understanding? #NumberTalksChat
— Math Solutions (@Math_Solutions) March 30, 2017
A6 Following rules throws number sense out the door leading to errors and little reasoning. #NumberTalksChat
— Kendra Thurmond (@prettymathgirl) March 30, 2017
@Math_Solutions You hear students using place value language like tenths and hundredths when they say the numbers. #NumberTalksChat
— marymitchell (@marymitchell) March 30, 2017
A 6: Proportional reasoning, place value understanding #NumberTalksChat
— Ann Dominick (@Dominick_Math) March 30, 2017
A6 Reasonable estimations #NumberTalksChat
— Sandy Mueller (@sfmueller) March 30, 2017
Q7: What are some questions you could ask to help students construct the ideas behind these rules and procedures? #NumberTalksChat
— Math Solutions (@Math_Solutions) March 30, 2017
A7: How can you represent with a picture? #NumberTalksChat @Math_Solutions
— Genni Steele (@gennisteele) March 30, 2017
@Math_Solutions #NumberTalksChat Does this strategy work in every situation?
— Maggie Lee McHugh (@mlmchugh) March 30, 2017
Can you represent/model how you solved it in more than one way? What connections to other strategies do you notice?#NumberTalksChat
— Kendra Thurmond (@prettymathgirl) March 30, 2017
A7 Will it always work? Who would like to prove your thinking? #NumberTalksChat
— Ann Dominick (@Dominick_Math) March 30, 2017
#NumberTalksChat Really focusing on what Ss see and how they see it. Giving lots and lots of opportunity for turn and talk
— Krista Sarmatiuk (@sarmatkd) March 30, 2017
Q8: Have you heard any noteworthy comments from a S about a recent #numbertalk? Extra brownie points for sharing a photo! #NumberTalksChat
— Math Solutions (@Math_Solutions) March 30, 2017
A8 “so you just go on Twitter to get your Number Talk” #NumberTalksChat
— Toni Chieppa (@tmchiepp) March 30, 2017
A8: #NumberTalksChat My Ss loved #MathTalks so much we make an ongoing iBook of strategies they can use on their math work at any time!
— Maggie Lee McHugh (@mlmchugh) March 30, 2017
A8: Student comment about NT: “I learn best by sharing my thinking out loud and by listening.” #NumberTalksChat
— Chris Quinn (@ChrisQuinn64) March 30, 2017
A8: can you come again tomorrow? #magicwords to a math coach #NumberTalksChat #notmypicture
— Rebecca Enright (@MsEnright) March 30, 2017
@Math_Solutions Ss had their own storyboards to model with during the talk and the storyboard turned into a centre later @LLB_315
— Krista Sarmatiuk (@sarmatkd) March 30, 2017
Check out our full #NCTMAnnual lineup & find out how you can join in the fun from home! #NumberTalksChat
— Math Solutions (@Math_Solutions) March 30, 2017