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Labeling the Number Line

by Lisa Bush, Vice President of Professional Learning
November 02nd, 2016

Why are fractions on the number line so hard for students to understand, and what can teachers do to help students reason their way through them? In this clip from Beyond Pizzas & Pies, Mr. Seay demonstrates for students how to label the number line after the unit interval has been partitioned into thirds. How does Mr. Seay’s…

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#NumberTalksChat 10/26 Recap

by Math Solutions Professional Learning Team, October 27th, 2016

Last night we held our third #NumberTalksChat on Twitter, with a lively discussion on implementing fraction number talks in the classroom. We were joined by Sherry Parrish and Ann Dominick, co-authors of the upcoming Number Talks: Fractions, Decimals, and Percentages. If you weren’t able to participate on Twitter, and you’d like to see some good ideas for implementing…

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Join our Fractions, Decimals, & Percentages #NumberTalksChat

by Math Solutions Professional Learning Team, October 20th, 2016

It’s time to talk fractions, decimals, and percentages! Please join @Math_Solutions for our third #NumberTalksChat on Twitter next Wednesday, October 26th at 8pm ET. Two participants will be randomly selected to receive advanced copies of Sherry Parrish and Ann Dominick’s Number Talks: Fractions, Decimals, and Percentages. Join us for a lively discussion on strategies and techniques for implementing fractions…

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Strategies for Adding 5/9 and 8/9

by Lisa Bush, Vice President of Professional Learning
October 12th, 2016

Once students can make sense of fractions, what are the strategies you use to make sense of their computation? In this clip from Beyond Invert & Multiply, Ms. Kretschmar guides a student-to-student discussion.                   Students often have difficulty articulating the reasoning behind their approach to solving problems.…

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Numbers Between Zero and One

by Lisa Bush, Vice President of Professional Learning
October 07th, 2016

Students have many misconceptions about fractions. What strategies can teachers use to encourage students to share their ideas? In this clip from Beyond Pizzas & Pies, Mr. Seay asks his third graders to share what they think about the numbers between zero and one. What do students seem to know about these numbers?          …

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#NumberTalksChat 9/28 Recap

by Math Solutions Professional Learning Team, September 29th, 2016

Thank you to those who were able to join us for our second #NumberTalksChat! We had a wonderful discussion on designing purposeful number talks in the K-5 classroom. We appreciate everyone who joined our chat and shared their thoughtful questions and insights with our online educator community. Below is a short selection of tweets from the chat. For the full…

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Join our second #NumberTalksChat on Twitter!

by Math Solutions Professional Learning Team, September 22nd, 2016

It’s that time again! Please join @Math_Solutions for our second #NumberTalksChat on Twitter next Wednesday, September 28th at 8pm ET. Two participants will be randomly selected to receive a copy of Sherry Parrish’s Number Talks: Whole Number Computation. Join us for a lively discussion on strategies and techniques for implementing number talks in the classroom, and…

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Number Talk: Dot Cards & Ten Frames

by Math Solutions Professional Learning Team, September 13th, 2016

Numerical reasoning starts from the earliest stages of child development. Stacking blocks, counting objects, and filling containers are examples of beginning ideas of reasoning with numbers. As children transition into kindergarten, it is important to provide opportunities to build a foundation that mathematics is about making sense with numbers and number relationships from the very…

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The Art of Listening + Building Partnerships

by Math Solutions Professional Learning Team, September 08th, 2016

Coaching is about listening and building partnerships. When those two qualities are present effective strategies emerge. Most educators are looking for effective strategies to make challenging subjects like math more accessible to students. However, few educators have the time or the resources to consider what makes an effective strategy, much less identify and implement one.…

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#NumberTalksChat 8/31 Recap

by Math Solutions Professional Learning Team, September 01st, 2016

For those of you who missed our first #NumberTalksChat, here’s a short recap selection of tweets from the chat! For a complete list of all tweets, please click on our Storify link here. If you were able to join us, thank you for your enthusiastic participation! We hope everyone can chat with us again tonight at 8pm EST/5pm PST for…

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