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Breaking Numbers Apart

by Rusty Bresser and Caren Holtzman, Authors, Math Solutions
September 18th, 2017

From a Kindergarten and First-Grade Classroom After asking the students to come join me in a circle on the rug, I wrote the number 10 at the top of a piece of chart paper. Next I distributed interlocking cubes by carefully pouring them out near the students so that each child had access to them.…

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What Does Academically Productive Talk Look Like?

by Math Solutions Professional Learning Team, September 12th, 2017

Here are the characteristics that define an academically rewarding conversation.

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#MathCoachChat Recap: Questioning With a Purpose

by Math Solutions Professional Learning Team, August 31st, 2017

In Part 1 of our 3 part #MathCoachChat live Twitter series, we discussed how purposeful questions can maximize a coaching partnership, and how we can think about obstacles to a coaching relationship so we can focus our questioning.   We had a lively discussion with wonderful input from coaches and teachers alike. Here are a…

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Join Math Solutions for our August 2017 #MathCoachChat

by Math Solutions Professional Learning Team, August 22nd, 2017

Are you a coach looking for professional learning opportunities? Want to learn more about math coaching and expand your professional learning network? Join @Math_Solutions for our first #MathCoachChat on Wednesday, August 30th at 8pm ET/ 5pm PT. Mary Mitchell, Senior Instructional Designer, and Sue Chapman, Professional Learning Specialist will lead a discussion on Questioning with a…

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Celebrate the Solar Eclipse with your Students

by Math Solutions Professional Learning Team, August 18th, 2017

A natural phenomenon like the upcoming solar eclipse offers the perfect opportunity to engage students in productive, relevant STEM discussion that allows them to make connections to real world applications of their classroom math explorations. On August 21st, the world will experience a solar eclipse, also known as “the Super Bowl of the sky.” The…

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Coaching for Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching

by Dr. Sue Chapman, Author, Math Solutions
August 04th, 2017

What would you do if you noticed some of your students doing this? In the book Building a Better Teacher: How Teaching Works (and How to Teach It to Everyone), author Elizabeth Green tells the story of noted mathematics educator and researcher Deborah Loewenberg Ball posing this dilemma to a group of teachers. Dr. Ball’s…

Math Solutions Coaching Academy: Collaboration in Action

by Math Solutions Professional Learning Team, July 28th, 2017

Math Solutions coaching experts met for three days of collaboration at our 2017 Coaching Academy in Lafayette Hill, Pennsylvania in conjunction with the Math in Focus Institute to collaborate and focus on best coaching practices. We wanted to share a few major principles of effective math coaching that came out of our time together. Here…

3 Ways to Enhance Your Summer Professional Learning

by Math Solutions Professional Learning Team, June 22nd, 2017

Summer is an ideal time for math teachers to engage in reflective professional learning experiences. But how can you make the most of these experiences?

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Developing Multiplication Strategies

by Treve Brinkman, Director of Professional Learning
June 02nd, 2017

Once students have mastered addition and subtraction, they get to move on to bigger equations: multiplication. Many adults recall days spent memorizing tables and writing out their work, but you can take an approach that doesn’t require merely committing numbers to memory. Help your students really understand what multiplication is and how it works by…

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Join Math Solutions for our May 2017 #NumberTalksChat

by Math Solutions Professional Learning Team, May 25th, 2017

It’s time for another Twitter live chat on number talks! Please join @Math_Solutions for our May #NumberTalksChat on Wednesday, May 31st at 8pm ET/ 5pm PT. Two lucky participants will be randomly selected to receive copies of Sherry Parrish and Ann Dominick’s Number Talks: Whole Number Computation and  Number Talks: Fractions, Decimals, and Percentages. Join us for a…

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