Buffalo Public Schools, Part 1
an urban district that serves 36,000 students, has partnered with Math Solutions. Debra Sykes, Director of Mathematics, explains, “Math Solutions has been the cornerstone to the success of our math initiative.

Socorro Independent School District, Part I
“We did some research and found that we just clicked with Math Solutions, we liked their philosophy and the way their programs align with the NCTM standards. The more we learned, the more we knew they were the right fit for us.”

Norfolk Public School District, Norfolk, Virginia
five-year Math Initiative was a multilayered effort designed to make systemic and long-lasting change in the content and pedagogy of mathematics instruction. One aspect of the initiative included a partnership with Math Solutions to provide ongoing professional development support through courses and all-day sessions, Math Solutions publications, on-site coaching, and classroom demonstrations for teachers.

New York Public Schools Professional Development, District 85
partnered with Math Solutions to help the math coaches build expertise in their leadership roles. Key elements for the work focused on developing understanding of standards-based instruction and implementation of the Math Workshop Model through the region’s adopted curricula.

Los Angeles Unified School District, Los Angeles, California
partnered with Math Solutions giving teachers depth of content knowledge understanding beneath a firm pedagogical foundation. Teachers have benefited a great deal from this inservice partnership.