Comprehensive Approach: Mulit-Day Institute— About Teaching the Common Core
May 09th, 2013Bring the Common Core Mathematical Practices to life in the classroom by fundamentally changing the way teachers think about math and how they teach their students. In this relevant and engaging institute, teachers deepen their own content knowledge while learning how to develop students’ abilities to think and reason and deepen students’ number sense, computation, and problem-solving skills. Participants will attend both grade-level and mixed-grade sessions in order to understand not only their own content but to think across grades to examine progressions and how content develops over time. Includes About Teaching Mathematics: A K–8 Resource, Third Edition by Marilyn Burns plus a collection of various course readings and manipulatives for hands-on learning. Participants will participate in grade-level breakout sessions for part of the week and K–8 (or cross-grade level) breakout sections for the other part of the week to address vertical articulation in the standards.
- Strengthen math content and pedagogical knowledge relative to the Common Core standards in order to understand various solution paths and students’ reasoning
- Understand how students learn in order to make instructional decisions about tasks to use and questions to pose to make math accessible to all students
- Develop insight into individual learners’ skills and math reasoning.
- Cultivate new instructional strategies that promote thinking, reasoning, and sensemaking
- Experience a variety of ways to organize the classroom—whole-class, small-group, and individual learning and various tools and materials to support learning
Target Audience: Teachers and Math Coaches
Grades: K–2, 3–5, 6–8, 9–12
Format: Four or Five Consecutive Day Institute