Coaching Benefits for Math Teachers by Offering Support Where and When They Need It
July 29th, 2016How do school administrators support the highly individualized needs of their teachers? Administrators must support many different constituencies: both new and experienced teachers, those who need to work on student relationships and management techniques, and those who need help creating and implementing lesson plans. Professional development is an issue that administrators have struggled with for years; there never seems to be enough PD time or money to cover all the different needs of teachers.
One especially challenging area of need has been support for math educators. Beyond the test scores, students’ achievement in math skills can affect the entire curriculum: a struggle with math abilities can have an impact on students’ understanding of science, reading, writing, and reasoning as well.
One very popular PD solution is coaching. On-site coaches can address student and teacher needs as they happen. Teachers aren’t being taken out of the classroom to find a solution. Instead, they are receiving support and guidance right at the moment when it will be most helpful. Coaches are in the classroom with teachers and understand the enormous challenges that they face, which often extend beyond pedagogy. They can help teachers meet the needs of children with widely varying abilities and backgrounds.
For more than 30 years, Math Solutions has been transforming instruction by focusing exclusively on the highest-quality mathematics professional development, including coaching. We have collaborated with districts across the nation, proving time and again that high-quality teaching is the most important driver of student achievement.
We offer both individual and team coaching and will develop the coaching expertise of your teacher leaders and staff coaches so they continue the growth of school-wide capacity. To find out more you can explore our research-based coaching model here, or read The Math Coach Field Guide: Charting Your Course here.
Coaching benefits math teachers by offering support where and when they need it is Part 1 of a Series.