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Building Community with MATH 180

by Le’Vada Gray, Consultant Development Manager
September 13th, 2018

Back to School is one of my favorite times of year because I love the smell of a fresh box of crayons, buying new school supplies and notebooks, and having a new start. It’s probably why I became a classroom teacher myself. After decorating my classroom, setting up my library and sorting supplies, I started…

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Creating a Culture of Risk-taking in the Mathematics Classroom

by Mary Mitchell, Author, Math Solutions
September 05th, 2018

Creating a Culture of Risk-taking in the Mathematics Classroom is the first in a four-part blog series on inspiring math achievement in the classroom. To read the second blog post, head over here. At the beginning of each school year we spend time helping students learn expectations for walking down hallways and how to act in the cafeteria.…

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Equity Is More Than Access

by Dr. Matt Larson, Senior Fellow, Math Solutions
August 17th, 2018

Many of us, when we think of addressing equitable student outcomes in mathematics education, think of advocating for each and every student to have access to a rigorous and coherent curriculum. And this does remain a significant concern in the U.S. Research indicates that students from marginalized groups continue to have less access to college…

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Coaching for a Mathematical Mindset, Part 3

by Dr. Sue Chapman, Author, Math Solutions
August 13th, 2018

Be sure to check out Part 1 and Part 2 of our “Coaching for a Mathematical Mindset” blog series. Below are two conversations between a teacher and a coach. How are they different? What might the teachers’ observations and explanations reveal about their mathematical mindsets? Conversation 1 Coach: You’ve been trying some new instructional practices…

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How Making Assumptions and Building Narratives Influences Learning

by Math Solutions Professional Learning Team, August 01st, 2018

What assumptions might teachers or administrators make about students in their K-12 school districts? How might making these assumptions have unintended negative consequences? These questions and others were the foundation of a keynote speech from Math Solutions professional learning expert Nicole Bridge at the HMH offices this summer. K-12 teachers and administrators attended the professional…

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Coaching for a Mathematical Mindset, Part 2

by Dr. Sue Chapman, Author, Math Solutions
July 24th, 2018

  “Math has always been difficult for me to understand. Word problems are the worst. Every time I see a word problem it scares me. I already know I won’t be able to solve it.” These are not the words of a student in elementary school or even high school. They were written by Kimberly,…

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Math Workshop Model: Empowering Students to Succeed in the Math Class

by Math Solutions Professional Learning Team, July 05th, 2018

Jennifer Lempp, author of Math Workshop, sat down with us in our Facebook Live booth at the 26th Annual Model Schools Conference to discuss what inspires her about math workshop. Watch the video to learn more about how the math workshop model can empower students to make choices and be successful as mathematicians and problem-solvers.…

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Coaching for a Mathematical Mindset, Part 1

by Dr. Sue Chapman, Author, Math Solutions
June 05th, 2018

There’s a lot of talk these days about the importance of mathematical mindset and its impact on student learning. In About Teaching Mathematics, Fourth Edition, Marilyn Burns identifies six dispositions that are important for students to develop in the math classroom: Interest to figure out solutions to problems Willingness to persevere when solutions are not…

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Welcome Senior Fellow Dr. Matt Larson

by Math Solutions Professional Learning Team, May 25th, 2018

We are so pleased to welcome Dr. Matt Larson to the Math Solutions family as our first Senior Fellow of Professional Learning. Matt has always believed that Professional Learning is the gateway to improving equity, access, and empowerment. He has joined Math Solutions to transform Professional Development for math educators to help students learn the…

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Join us 5/30 for a #MathWorkshopChat

by Math Solutions Professional Learning Team, May 17th, 2018

Are you interested in using the math workshop model of instruction in your classroom and putting your students at the center of learning? Join @Math_Solutions for our May #MathWorkshopChat on Wednesday, May 30th at 8pm ET/ 5pm PT. Le’Vada Gray, Director of Professional Learning, and Jennifer Lempp, author of Math Workshop: Five Steps to Implementing Guided…

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