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Join Us for a #MathWorkshopChat 12/19 on Student Reflection

by Math Solutions Professional Learning Team, December 19th, 2018

Are you interested in putting your students at the center of learning with the math workshop model of instruction? Join @Math_Solutions for our December #MathWorkshopChat on Wednesday, December 19th at 8pm ET/ 5pm PT. Brenda Konicke, Director of Professional Learning, and Jennifer Lempp, author of Math Workshop: Five Steps to Implementing Guided Math, Learning Stations, Reflection,…

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3 Ways to Engage Pre-K Students in Counting

by Treve Brinkman, Director of Professional Learning
December 12th, 2018

The task of counting may seem simple, but as Ann Carlyle and Brenda Mercado point out in Teaching Preschool and Kindergarten Math, (Math Solutions, 2012), there is an important distinction between the rote or automatic counting that young children start with, and the eventual formulation of a deeper cognitive connection to the meaning of the…

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Coaching: The Answer to the Implementation Dip

by Dr. Sue Chapman, Author, Math Solutions
December 07th, 2018

Educators know what a good mathematics classroom looks like (see the Math Solutions Instructional Practices Inventory) and we want to provide this type of learning environment for every one of our students. Unfortunately, implementation of research-based instructional practices across all mathematics classrooms has proven challenging. This is due, in part, to a phenomenon known as…

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Coaching for Constructive Struggle

by Dr. Sue Chapman, Author, Math Solutions
November 20th, 2018

In her book Faster Isn’t Smarter: Messages about Math, Teaching, and Learning in the 21st Century, Cathy Seeley talks about the importance of providing students with opportunities for constructive struggle through problem-solving experiences that are both engaging and challenging. As students engage in constructive struggle, they construct deep personal understanding of the mathematical ideas that…

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3 Ways District Leaders Can Support Math Instruction

by Le’Vada Gray, Consultant Development Manager
October 15th, 2018

In my role as a Director of Professional Learning, I support many district and school leaders with transitioning into instructional leadership roles, so they may better support mathematics educators in their schools. Leadership support is crucial for teachers as well as their students, not only for promoting student-centered learning, but also in addressing and incorporating…

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#InspireMathCulture Reflections: Creating a Positive Math Culture

by Math Solutions Professional Learning Team, October 03rd, 2018

During our first live Twitter® #InspireMathCulture chat with Director of Professional Learning Nikki Lalonde and Professional Learning Consultant Nicole Bridge, we explored what a positive math culture looks like in a classroom and school, and why it’s so important to student outcomes. Participants shared actionable strategies they use in their classrooms to foster a culture…

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Join Us for our #InspireMathCulture Twitter Chat 10/2

by Math Solutions Professional Learning Team, October 02nd, 2018

Do you want to inspire a culture of mathematics in your classroom and school? Join @Math_Solutions for our October #InspireMathCulture Twitter chat on Tuesday, October 2nd at 8pm ET/ 5pm PT. Nikki Lalonde, Director of Professional Learning, and Nicole Bridge, Professional Learning Consultant, will co-lead a discussion on how we build a positive math community, and how…

#MathWorkshopChat Reflections: Number Sense Routines

by Math Solutions Professional Learning Team, September 27th, 2018

During our recent live Twitter® #MathWorkshopChat with Director of Professional Learning Brenda Konicke and Math Workshop author Jennifer Lempp, we explored number sense routines and their use in math workshop. Read the recap below and follow us to learn more about how number sense routines and the math workshop model of instruction can transform your…

Building Community with MATH 180

by Le’Vada Gray, Consultant Development Manager
September 13th, 2018

Back to School is one of my favorite times of year because I love the smell of a fresh box of crayons, buying new school supplies and notebooks, and having a new start. It’s probably why I became a classroom teacher myself. After decorating my classroom, setting up my library and sorting supplies, I started…

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Equity Is More Than Access

by Dr. Matt Larson, Senior Fellow, Math Solutions
August 17th, 2018

Many of us, when we think of addressing equitable student outcomes in mathematics education, think of advocating for each and every student to have access to a rigorous and coherent curriculum. And this does remain a significant concern in the U.S. Research indicates that students from marginalized groups continue to have less access to college…

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